Competition Short Reset

$360 (Competition Pistols Only)

Qualitatively identical to our Heckler & Koch (HK) Reduced Reset Carry Perfection Package, with maximum trigger reset reduction of at least 40 percent and a replacement reduced competition main spring yielding the lightest possible DA and SA pulls. Firing Pin Block integrity and other factory safety values will be maintained.

This service is available for the following HK models:

  • P30
  • P30L
  • HK45
  • Full-Size USP
  • Full-Size USP Match
  • Full-Size USP Elite

We can generally get the SA pull in the mid 3-pound to low 4-pound range with a cleaner break without compromising factory engagements for durability under heavy range use.

This package includes an internal over-travel stop as necessary. It also includes refinishing all fire control parts with Nickel PTFE for the smoothest and most durable action possible. (Note: Some parts, like the hammer and axle, will be externally visible.)


Important Note

If your gun has a red dot installed, please remove the optic before sending the gun in. The optic blocks the disassembly of the HK slide. If you opt to have Grayguns remove the optic to complete the work, Grayguns cannot be held liable for the removal of non factory installed red dots or accessories.

Action Work Pre-Order Form

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